Classmate Profile
 "The best antiques to collect are old friends"
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Pamela Abrams (Granlund)

Marital status: Married Children: 3
Occupation: Retired
East, Central or St. Mary's?: East
Are you loving life?: Yes
Has life been good to you?: Yes
What have you been doing for the last 50 years?:
Loving life in Virginia. A beautiful state. Close to the beaches and mountains. Enjoyed camping, fishing, traveling. Gardening, both vegetables and flowers is wonderful in Virginia. Keeps one busy and great for the soul. Enjoying watching grandchildren grow. Oldest are each 23 youngest is 11. They keep one young for sure!
Tell us about one goal you have accomplished?:
Raised my children. Was the "usual" room mother, swim team mother, Sunday School teacher, Youth Group Leader and Youth Choir assistant.

Children keep you busy and young!! So many wonderful memories of trips to beaches, mountains and of course Amusement Parks!

Graduated with a BA from Averette University, Danville VA.

Worked a total of 24 years for Investment Firm and a Private Family Office.

Loved everything I did in my two jobs. Never a dull day and met so many people all over the world.

Retirement is the BEST EVER! Stay so busy I don't know how I found time to work!

I hope life has been as good to all of you as well. I have looked on Facebook and kept up with some of you. Can't believe it has been 55 years!!! Are we really this AGE???? My heart and soul feel forever young.....the body is something else!

Best Wishes and Blessings to All.

Gary Albrecht

Occupation: Retired
East, Central or St. Mary's?: Central

Pat Alford

Marital status: Married Children: 2
Occupation: Retired, Captain U. S. Navy
East, Central or St. Mary's?: East
Are you loving life?: 100%
Has life been good to you?: Yes
What have you been doing for the last 50 years?:
A 53+ year marriage, helped raise 2 children amidst a 37-year career in the Navy followed by an additional 10 years as a Navy Civil Service Healthcare Executive. Currently a Commissioner, Onslow County Hospital Authority and working with a group of retired Marines to build a museum in Jacksonville, NC.
Tell us about one goal you have accomplished?:
A long and happy marriage and having some influence over our two children who are responsible, contributing citizens.

Judy Allard (McKinnon)

Marital status: Married Children: 1
Occupation: Retired
East, Central or St. Mary's?: Central
Are you loving life?: Yes!
Has life been good to you?: Yes!

Connie Allen (Tilton)

Marital status: Married Children: 3
Occupation: Part time events planner
East, Central or St. Mary's?: East
Are you loving life?: Yes!
Has life been good to you?: Very good to me, through the grace of God
What have you been doing for the last 50 years?:
I have raised 3 children, 2 step, and 1 mine, all three are mine though. I have been married to my husband, Ed for 30 years. I spent 30 years with USWEST (QWEST, Century Link). 5 1/2 years with Amgen, a biotech company. I am not retired for the most part, except this part time job. I love gardening, cooking, sewing, spending time with family and friends. I travel to Lakewood once a week to spend a day in our granddaughter's classroom. She is in 4th grade this year.
Tell us about one goal you have accomplished?:
I have been a good wife and mother. There are regrets and things I wish I could have done over, but I love my family.

Randy Anderson

Then photo
Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 1
Occupation: retired statistics professor
Dear 1968 Classmates,  I am writing this message in 14 font so you all can read it!  I am terrible sorry that I cannot be in attendance this year--I was so looking forward to it.  But my most recent surgery (right shoulder repair--complete tear of the rotator cuff, tear of the bicep tendon, two separate labrum tears and a couple of bone spurs. Left shoulder (same surgery) was repaired in 2021) with protracted rehab really gummed up this summer's vacation schedule.  But I will be there in spirit.  So, if you need a laugh, here's a clean (but corny) one I would use on my students:  a rabbi, a priest, and a pastor walked into a bar. and the bartender yelled, "What is this, some kind of a joke?"  Hope you all have a wonderful time and I'll look forward to seeing you in 2028 (Wow, we all will be so old!!!)
East, Central or St. Mary's?: Central
Are you loving life?: somewhat
Has life been good to you?: most of the time
What have you been doing for the last 50 years?:
Heavily into S&M--you know, statistics and mathematics! Taught these subjects for 43 years before retiring in 2017 from Fresno State (1982-2017)
Tell us about one goal you have accomplished?:
With my lovely wife Lydia and the Grace of God, we raised the greatest son (who never gave us any trouble). Although I never thought of myself as parent material, I think that I turned out to be a pretty good father. Still play golf (index of 3.1 before my last of 17th major surgeries on this last May the Fourth (Be with You)-complete right shoulder repair). Looking forward to the next round of golf! One thing I never accomplished was learning to type--two thumbs and no rhythm!

Ida Apostolou (Conine)

Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 2
Occupation: Volunteer Davis Hospice
East, Central or St. Mary's?: Central
Are you loving life?: Each day is a new beginning
Has life been good to you?: Living the dream
What have you been doing for the last 50 years?:
Had a “Shot-gun” wedding; retired from the Department of Defense; worked in Mayor’s office for four additional years -through COVID! Retired again! Volunteer at Davis Hospice and make Memory Bears and quilts.
Son retired from military and has two wonderful boys we love to visit! Granddaughter is Freshman at WYO!
Love to bake and garden in the summer. Sew all winter.
Tell us about one goal you have accomplished?: Martied over 50 years and lived past 70!

Helen Armstrong (Nolan)

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Now photo
Marital status: Widowed Children: 4
Occupation: Insurance agent retired
East, Central or St. Mary's?: Central
Are you loving life?: Yes
Has life been good to you?: Yes
What have you been doing for the last 50 years?: Living loving playing working
Tell us about one goal you have accomplished?: Raised wonderful productive children

Bill Arnold

Marital status: Married Children: 4
Occupation: Locomotive Engineer
East, Central or St. Mary's?: Central
Are you loving life?: It's just another day in Paradise
Has life been good to you?: Yes, Very Much So
What have you been doing for the last 50 years?:
Working, raising kids did Hot Air Ballooning for a while. Been very active in the Numismatic (Coin Collecting) field. Was on the Wyoming State Quarter Committee. I was able to attend the First Strike Ceremony at the Denver Mint and got to make a Souviner Wyo Quarter.
Tell us about one goal you have accomplished?: I opened a Coin Shop in Cheyenne in Nov of 2005.

Paul Bagne

Marital status: Married Children: 1
Occupation: Retired
East, Central or St. Mary's?: East
Are you loving life?: yes
Has life been good to you?: It has presented some challenges
What have you been doing for the last 50 years?: Loving the women in my life.
Tell us about one goal you have accomplished?: Writing for national magazines.